Dr. McKellar’s Lesson for April 7, 2019

“Crumbs for Canines”   Mark 7:24-30   Bible Study   04/07/19

This morning we will focus on a perplexing encounter that Jesus had with a pagan woman. It teaches us much about the person and work of Jesus.

1. Contextual Considerations

• truth and tradition in 7:1-13
• external and internal in 7:14-23

2. Intentional Mission to Gentiles (24)

• from Galilee to the region of Tyre/Sidon
• deliberate ministry to Gentiles (Gerasene Mark 5, food clean Mark 7, Decapolis Mark 7)
• bracketed between feeding of 5000 (Mark 6) and 4000 (Mark 8)
• Elijah in Zarephath (I Kings 17)

3. Analysis of the Encounter (25-30)

• Matthew 15:21-28
• identity of woman
• appeal of woman
• response of Jesus
• insightful persistence of the woman
• commendation and healing from a distance
• fulfillment of Psalm 87:4

4. So What?

• Because Jesus is the gracious, merciful and only Savior of the whole world, trust Him to deliver you.
• “Missions is not an OT or NT thing. It’s a Bible thing.” (L. Duncan)
• Praise God for His massive ability to meet miserable need.


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