Dr. McKellar’s Lesson for February 24, 2019

“As They Are Today”   Genesis 50:15-26   Bible Study   02/24/19

“The hand of providence has been chopped off altogether and with the amputation we are left to grope alone in a hostile, or even worse, indifferent universe.” (R. C. Sproul)

1. The Family Gathered to Egypt (47)

2. Jacob Blesses Joseph’s Sons (48)

3. Jacob Blesses His Sons (49)

4. Joseph and His Brothers Bury Jacob in Canaan (50:1-14)

5. Joseph’s Brothers Fear Retaliation (50:15)

• fears/anxieties resurface
• Jacob had lived for 17 years in Egypt (see 47:28)

6. Joseph’s Brothers Relay a Message Attributed to Jacob (50:16-17)

7. Joseph’s Gracious and Assuring Response (50:18-26)

• sold, slandered and snubbed
• deepened and not deadened by life’s extremities
• clarity about his “place” and God’s “place”
• compassion without minimizing sin: “…evil against me…”
• compassion grounded in grace: “…but God meant it for good…”
• expressing confidence in future “visitation” (connection to Christ)

8. So What?

• Embracing the principle of God’s providence enables you to extend His grace to others.
• “As long as the cross stands in history, no one who knows its meaning will be able to pronounce a limitation on God’s providence.” (Boice)
• If you believe God is in control…
• “Every joy or trial falleth from above, traced upon our dial by the Sun of Love; We may trust Him fully, all for us to do; They who trust Him wholly find Him wholly true.” (Havergal)


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