Dr. McKellar’s Lesson for February 17, 2019

“Operation Reconciliation”   Genesis 44:14-45:15   Bible Study   02/17/19

In Genesis 44-45 we may observe the resolution to the dramatic story regarding Joseph and his brothers which begins in Genesis 37. This powerful resolution serves to remind us that the will of God, not the will of man, is the controlling reality in the circumstances of our lives.

1. Background/Context

• the brothers go to Egypt (42): guilty consciences awakened
• the brothers return to Egypt (43): the test of maturity
• the brothers are tested again (44): the test of loyalty

2. Guilt Acknowledged 44:14-17

• the brothers fall to the ground (see also 42:6)
• confession of guilt
• Benjamin to be held as a slave

3. Judah’s Appeal 44:18-34

• recollection of previous meeting (18-23)
• Jacob’s concern for Benjamin (24-29)
• Jacob’s sorrow (30-32)
• request to take Benjamin’s place (33-34)

4. Emotional Revelation to the Brothers and Their Response 45:1-3

• Joseph overcome by emotion
• Brothers overcome by terror

5. Joseph Addresses His Brothers 45:4-13

• explanation of God’s purpose (“sent me” repetition) (4-8)
• instructions for migration to Egypt (9-13)
• note the use of “ruler” in verse 8 (see also 37:8)

6. Emotional Reunion 45:14-15

7. So What?

• When you know God is in control, you can extend forgiveness and experience reconciliation.
• “To see God in all things, both good and evil, enables us to forgive easily those who injure us.” (Barnhouse)
• Apply the elements of true repentance: admission/contrition/exhibition.
• “When you hold a grudge, you doubt the Judge.” (Piper)
• the Joseph-Jesus connection.
• Get the strings of your heart tuned to the cross.


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