Dr. McKellar’s Lesson for January 13, 2019

“The Best Is Yet to Be”   Genesis 35: 1-29   Bible Study   01/13/18

Spiritually speaking, Jacob’s later years were the best years of his life. Whatever your age, you can count on the Lord to keep His promises and to use your experiences to make you a living testament of His grace. Genesis 35 records details related to the last part of Jacob’s life. Previously, Jacob wrestles with God (32:24-32), meets Esau (33:1-7), settles in Shechem (33:18-20) and deals with the defilement of Dinah and its sordid aftermath.

1. Remembering God’s Blessings (1-8)

• back to Bethel (28:10-22)
• act of purification
• acknowledgement of presence
• example of provision

2. Reflecting on God’s Promises (9-15)

• repetition with additions
• enabled by the Almighty
• feasting on the facts

3. Relying on God’s Providence (16-29)

• Benjamin’s birth and Rachel’s death
• name change noted
• reality-check with Reuben
• death of Isaac
• connection to Christ

4. So What?

• Because God is faithful, the believer’s best really is yet to be.
• “Grow old along with me, the best is yet to be, the last of life for which the first was made…” (Browning)
• Cultivate a preoccupation with God’s goodness. Count your blessings!
• Lose your luggage.
• Let all things (people and places) take a “back seat” to God.


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