Dr. McKellar’s Lesson for December 16, 2018

“A Case of Continuing Education”   Genesis 29:1-30   Bible Study   12/16/18

This morning we will focus on the first key event in Jacob’s life following his meeting with God at Bethel. What awaited Jacob in Haran involved not only years of hard labor and the acquisition of wives, but also an enrollment in the divine school of continuing education.

1. Providential Encounter (1-14)

• Jacob “lifted up his feet” (28:15)
• from Bethel to a well near Haran
• dialogue with shepherds
• Rachel is coming!
• a flock watered and a woman kissed
• a welcome from Laban
• a biblical parallel and a notable absence (24:11-33)

2. Providential Education (15-30)

• a question about wages
• Leah and Rachel
• seven years for Rachel
• behold, it was Leah!
• Jacob’s question and Laban’s response
• marriage to Rachel and seven more years
• mercy in the middle of the mess

3. So What?

• Because God orders the circumstances of His people so that He might purify them and promote their spiritual health, press on in His school of continuing education.
• The sovereignty of God is “the strong wood of the tree that keeps our lives from being blown over by the winds of adversity.” (Piper)
• Acknowledge the “law of the harvest.” (Galatians 6:7-9)
• The Lord’s discipline reveals our deficiency and directs us to His sufficiency.
• “Judge not the Lord by feeble sense, but trust Him for His grace. Behind a frowning providence, He hides a smiling face.” (Cowper)
• “And I smiled to think God’s greatness flowed around our incompleteness, round our restlessness, His rest.” (Browning)
• connection to Christ (Luke 1:46-55)
• Three stages in a work of God: “Impossible, difficult, done.” (H. Taylor)


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