Dr. McKellar’s Lesson for December 9, 2018

“Stairway to Heaven”   Genesis 28:10-22   Bible Study   12/09/18  

This morning we will turn our attention to Jacob, the fugitive, and his life-altering encounter with the God of mercy and grace. Through His provision and presence, the LORD continues to transform lives today.

1. Providential Positioning (10-11)

• from Beersheba to Haran
• consideration of contrasts
• the LORD’S orientation program

2. Personal Blessing (12-15)

• revelation through a dream
• stairway: flight of steps
• angels ascending and descending
• the LORD Himself
• promises, protection and presence

3. Prescriptive Response (16-22)

• expression of reverence
• activation of remembrance
• resolve to honor
• reality to embrace (Psa. 46:7)

4. So What?

• The clear revelation of God’s gracious dealings can transform a worldly wanderer into a wondering worshiper.
• connection to Christ (John 1:45-51)
• Let us delight to declare our dependence upon Him.
• “I think of my blessed Redeemer, I think of Him all the day long: I sing, for I cannot be silent; His love is the theme of my song.” (F. Crosby)


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