Dr. McKellar’s Lesson for December 2, 2018

“You Should Tremble”   Genesis 27:1-46   Bible Study   12/02/18

The story of the stolen blessing in Genesis 27 reveals the harsh reality of a dysfunctional ancient family. This serves to remind us of our own failures and frailties. The good news is that God achieves His purposes in spite of dysfunctional people and families. His blessing comes to undeserving and unlikely people in unusual ways. Such grace should leave us trembling.

1. Isaac’s Defiance (1-4)

• his condition
• his request
• his intention to bless Esau
• bless: extension of covenant relationship
• defiance of a previous directive (25:23)

2. Rebekah’s Disregard (5-17)

• her listening
• her understanding of the LORD’S promise
• her scheming
• her vowing

3. Jacob’s Deception (18-29)

• claims to be Esau
• lies about food
• receives blessing
• true to his name

4. Esau’s Despair (30-46)

• dialogue with a trembling father (Isa. 66:2)
• conspiracy unraveled (Heb. 11:20)
• his grief
• his murderous intent
• his mother’s intervention

5. So what?

• Because the LORD blesses undeserving and unlikely people in unusual ways, live in awe of His mercy and grace.
• Setting aside God’s will for your will only leads to turmoil.
• Trust God to work in His own time and in His own way.
• Manipulative measures achieve only apparent and temporary success.
• Praise the LORD for Immanuel! (Matt. 1:22-23; Rom. 5:8)


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