Dr. McKellar’s Lesson for November 11, 2018

“Taking Your Tongue Seriously”   James 3:1-12   Bible Study   11/11/18

The movable muscular structure attached to the floor of our mouths is a mighty little member of our bodies. God’s Word calls us to take seriously the stewardship of our speech. In light of the dramatic power and potential of the tongue, steward your speech to the glory of God.

I. Introduction (1-2)

1. The tongue telegraphs the condition of the heart.
2. Don’t “swell the ranks” of teachers as they will incur a stricter judgment.
3. An absolute prohibition from Ephesians 4:29

II. The tongue exercises a disproportionate influence (3-5)

1. A horse’s bit
2. A ship’s rudder
3. A fire’s spark
4. A small object can dictate a destination.

III. The tongue possesses a devastating potential (6-8)

1. Cosmic evil
2. Comprehensive corruption
3. Connection to hell
4. Uncontrolled poison

IV. The tongue reveals a disturbing inconsistency (9-12)

1. We bless and we curse.
2. The tongue may delight or destroy.
3. Aim for consistency.
4. Satan does his biggest business with those who have no business.

V. Beauty care for the tongue

1. Admit to verbal arson.
2. Ask for heavenly insight.
3. Insight from Psalm 141:3
4. Experience the Lord’s healing


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