Dr. McKellar’s Lesson for November 4, 2018

“A Faith That Works”   James 2:14-26   Bible Study   11/04/18  

I. Introduction

1. Theme of this passage:
2. Why is this passage so crucial?
3. Is there really conflict between the teaching of James and Paul?

II. Profession (14-17)

1. The principle of verse 14:
2. What type of “faith” is addressed here?
3. What truth is communicated in the illustration of verses 15-17?

III. Expression (18-19)

1. How does James employ the “shock” factor in these verses?
2. What two key elements are included in verse 19?
3. The awareness of demons:

IV. Possession (20-26)

1. What kind of faith is detailed in these verses?
2. The nature of saving faith:

V. So What?

1. Because saving faith produces works, avoid the deceptive mentality of mere profession.
2. Grasp the “root and fruit” principle.
3. “A religion that does not transform will not transport.” (Jack MacGorman)


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