Dr. McKellar’s Lesson for April 22, 2018

“A More Excellent Way”   1 Corinthians 13:1-13   Bible Study   04/22/18

This morning we will turn our attention to one of the most popular and well-known texts in Scripture, the “love” chapter. While the concept of love is foundational for theology, identity and experience, we must not divorce this great chapter from its contextual setting. It is “sandwiched” between two chapters (1 Cor. 12 and 1 Cor. 14) which address spiritual gifts and their employment. Seeking to curb the Corinthian tendencies toward self-centeredness and divisiveness, Paul digresses from his discussion of spiritual gifts in order to show his readers, then and now, a more excellent way.

I. Gain a perspective on the futility of loveless activity (1-3)

• structure: if…but have not…
• supernatural speech, prophetic insight, mountain-moving faith, radical generosity, bodily sacrifice
• evaluation: noise and nothingness

II. Get the picture of love in action (4-7)

• motive and action/noun and verb
• structure: 2 affirmations, 8 negations, 4 affirmations

III. Grasp the permanence of love (8-13)

• connect verse 8 with verse 13
• assertion: Love never fails.
• the transient: prophecies, tongues, knowledge
• the perfect and the partial
• two illustrations: child/adult, mirror/face-to-face
• the permanent: faith, hope, love
• the foundational fact of love

IV. So What?

• As a beneficiary of biblical love, you should prize, promote and practice it.
• “Love is the overflow of joy in God that gladly meets the needs of others.” (Piper)
• The gifts result in edification and glorification only when they flow from love’s motivation.
• A love not shaped by the contours of the cross is a cruel concept.
• “Changed from glory into glory, till in heav’n we find our place, till we cast our crowns before Thee, lost in wonder, love and praise.” (C. Wesley)
• “Love so amazing, so divine, demands my soul, my life, my all.” (Watts)


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