Dr. McKellar’s Lesson for December 24, 2017

“Simeon’s Satisfaction” Luke 2:25-32 Bible Study 12/24/17

In our culture, satisfaction is a desperately sought after and fleeting commodity. The mantra of many today is captured in the words the Rolling Stones made famous: “…can’t get no satisfaction.” The concept even expresses itself in candy-bar marketing: “Snickers satisfies.” Yes, satisfaction has to do with hunger and longing. This morning we turn our attention to a man who found true satisfaction-deep, permanent soul-satisfaction. His name was Simeon and he discovered that only a sovereign God who keeps His promises can provide true satisfaction. Nearing the end of his life, he experienced the fulfillment of a promise that he would not see death before he had “seen the Lord’s Christ.” His “song”, or word of praise, traditionally is referred to as the “Nunc Dimittis,” a Latin designation meaning “now You are dismissing…” From Simeon we learn that real satisfaction is all about an appetite for the right things.

I. Introduction

-note the intentional old age/infancy contrast
-note the repeated emphasis on the role of the Holy Spirit

II. Rest completely assured

-foundation: Spirit and Word
-revelation: see the Lord’s Christ
-reception: a new era

III. Understand the mission

-global scope
-light to the nations
-glory of Israel
-set for falling and rising

IV. Yearn for fulfillment

-looking for consolation
-the other side
-shall we long for Him less?

V. So What?

– When you rely on the Lord’s own revelation of Himself and relish it for all that it is, you can know true satisfaction.
– “He comes to make His blessings flow, far as the curse is found…” (I. Watts)

– “Bethlehem morning is more than just a memory,

For the child that was born there
Is the King of Kings, and the Lord of Lords,
And He will come again.” (M. Chapman)

-Recognize that the mission of Jesus is not sentimental but sacrificial.
-Let the ground of your satisfaction center in the certainty that God has a perfect track record of keeping His promises.


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