Dr. McKellar’s Lesson for October 1, 2017

“Bread from Heaven” Exodus 16:1-36 Bible Study 10/01/17

After the Lord’s miraculous deliverance of His people (Exodus 14:1-15:21), the narrative of Exodus turns our attention to practical matters related to survival in the wilderness (Exodus 15:22-16:36). The people needed water and food. Despite their grumbling irreverence, the Lord graciously provided both. In every age, He shows Himself to be an all-sufficient provider for His people.

I. The Congregation’s Complaints Convey Its Condition

-from refreshment to reentry
-repeated refrain
-comprehensive involvement
-unrealistic perspective
-misplaced assault

II. The Lord’s Provision Conveys His Commitment

-promise of satisfaction
-prescription of dependence
-proclamation of motivation

III. The Lord’s Provision Culminates in Christ

-purposes of sustenance and sanctification
-preaching Christ from Exodus (Deut. 8:3, Matt. 4:1-4, John 6:28-51)
-from the Exodus to the Cross

IV. So What?

-Knowing that the Lord’s provision is rooted in His steadfast love, view your trials as opportunities to grow in dependence on Him.
-“It takes a heavenly appetite to enjoy a heavenly diet.” (Swindoll)
-Determine to feast continually at the table of grace.
-“Come then, O holy Christ, feed us, we pray; touch with Your pierced hand each common day, making this earthly life full of Your grace, till, in the home of heaven, we find our place.” (Hoyt)


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