Dr. McKellar’s Lesson for September 17, 2017
“The Lord’s Passover” Exodus 12:1-13 Bible Study 09/17/17
At the time of the final plague upon Egypt, the Lord established an observance which was to be a token of blessing and remembrance for His people. Passover highlights His absolute holiness and magnificent mercy.
I. Review
-call of Moses in Exodus 3-4
-nine plagues in Exodus 7-10
-one more plague in Exodus 11:1
-not leaving Egypt empty-handed
II. The Lord’s Passover Signals a Calendar Shift (1-2)
-dictated by worship
-device to remind
III. The Lord’s Passover Specifies a Careful Selection (3-6a)
-taken on the tenth day
-unblemished lamb (1 Peter 1:19)
-kept until the fourteenth day
IV. The Lord’s Passover Supplies a Consecrated Sacrifice (6b-10)
-execution of the lamb
-application of the blood
-implications from the meal
V. The Lord’s Passover Secures a Comprehensive Shelter (11-13)
-partake in a departing posture
-protection and partition
-look to the Lamb!
VI. So What?
-Because the Lord is a merciful deliverer of His people, remember, relish and relay His transforming provision.
-Make the connection to Christ. (John 1:29, 1 Cor. 5:7, Rev. 5:11-14)
-“He alone is worthy, to worship and adore, the Lamb of God, victorious, my risen Lord. He purchased our redemption. Our righteousness is He. Exalt the name of Jesus. He is worthy.” (A. Slaughter)