Dr. McKellar’s Lesson for September 10, 2017

Guest Speaker: Dr. Steven James
Assistant Vice President of Academic Administration & Assistant Professor of Systematic Theology at Scarborough College, Fort Worth.
A member of the Son Burst Class.

“God Confronts Pharaoh” Exodus 7:1–13 09/10/2017

Last week we began to study the book of Exodus by looking at Exodus 3:1–6. After Moses had been in Midian for around 40 years, he came to Mount Horeb and the Lord appeared to him. On an otherwise ordinary day in Moses’ life, God uses the visual and audible in appearing to Moses in a burning bush. We see the holiness of God and the right response to His perfect holiness—preparation and awareness that God is separate and distinct from mortal men. Because God was present, the ground which formerly was ordinary became “holy ground” and “set apart” for God’s purposes. We also saw in the giving of His divine name (3:14–15) that God is both transcendent (holy other and timeless) and imminent (personal and present in space and time). All of this should motivate us to awe and worship of our great God.

I. The Reason for the Confrontation

• God’s Covenant with Abraham
• The Groaning of God’s People
• God’s Decisive Plan

II. The Confrontation before the Confrontation

• Moses’ Role in God’s Plan
• Moses’ Reluctance and God’s Grace
• Israel and Moses’ Unbelief and God’s Response

III. The Weapons of the Confrontation

• Divine Presence
• Divine Signs

IV. The Result of the Confrontation

• Pharaoh’s Hard-Heartedness
• The Lord’s Outstretched Hand Over Egypt (First 9 Plagues)
• The Lord’s Protection of His People


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