Dr. McKellar’s Lesson for August 13, 2017

“Prayer as Worship” Psalm 141:1-10 Bible Study 08/13/17

While this psalm of David is not connected explicitly to a specific occurrence/event in his life, it does present the picture of a harassed soul who is being tempted to “slacken his hold on God.” For this reason, Psalm 141 offers powerful insights for believers today in the midst of their earthly pilgrimages. There are perils, both internal and external, which can hinder our progress on the path marked out for us by the Lord. Therefore, our lives should be marked by a desperate dependence which articulates itself in worshipful prayer.

I. A Desperate Sense of Need (1-2)

-urgent cry
-act of worship: “incense” and “sacrifice”
-Rev. 5:8

II. A Distinct Sense of Stewardship (3-7)

-speech, heart, action (Jer. 17:9, Luke 6:45)
-preference for the rebuke of the righteous over the flattery of the wicked
-assured sense of justice

III. A Declaration of Dependence (8-10)

-NT connection: Heb. 2:6-9, 12:2

IV. So What?

-When your eyes are set toward God, you can navigate the dangers of this life with confidence.
-Ponder the fact that you are “in peril” every day.
-“You have never spoken a word that belongs to you, because words belong to the Lord.” (Tripp)
-“The reason for the fixed look of faith lies in the divine names.” (Maclaren)
-“Our prayer and God’s mercy are like two buckets in a well; while one ascends, the other descends.” (E. Hopkins)


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