Dr. McKellar’s Lesson for July 30, 2017

“Perpetual Praise” Psalm 146:1-10 Bible Study 07/30/17

This psalm is the first of five psalms of praise which bring the Psalms to a close. Each of these psalms begins and ends with “Praise the LORD” (Hallelujah). Fittingly, Psalm 146 and the psalms which follow it express the ultimate outcome for those who trust in the LORD. Their “story” will end in unbroken praise and delight.

I. Commitment to Praise (1-2)

-corporate and individual
-the “ring of resolve”: beyond the mood of the moment

II. Caution about Praise (3-4)

-prohibition: “Put not your trust…”
-understanding of “princes”
-perspective: inability and temporality
-whether revered or reviled: man…earth (Gen. 3:19)

III. Contrast Related to Praise (5-9)

-hope…LORD God
-eleven verbs
-five-fold repetition of LORD
-connection to Isa. 61/Luke 4

IV. Continuation of Praise (10)

-how the “story” ends
-not an empty-headed hallelujah

V. So What?

-Because the LORD alone is your sure help and hope, commit yourself to His perpetual praise.
-Let your praise be word-driven rather than mood-driven.
-Avoid the dishonor and devastation of misplaced trust.
-“My days of praise shall ne’er be past, while life, and thought, and being last, or immortality endures.” (Watts)


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