Dr. McKellar’s Lesson for May 14, 2017

“A Case of Contrast” Matthew 26:57-75 Bible Study 05/14/17

This morning we will focus on a text that presents us with the dramatic contrast between a loyal response to the Lord and a disloyal response to the Lord. Our loyal Lord Jesus is resolute under pressure and is vindicated ultimately. Peter, in his disloyalty, fails miserably but goes on to become the beneficiary of the loyal Lord’s restorative mercy. This case of contrast communicates the majestic consistency of Jesus, reminds us of the reality of human frailty and holds out hope for faltering followers.

I. Silence and Abuse (57-68)

-before Caiaphas
-Peter follows at a distance
-“kangaroo” court proceedings
-silence of Jesus (Isa. 53:7)
-“You have said so.”
-Son of Man designation (Dan. 7:13-14)
-torn robes and charge of blasphemy
-verdict and abuse

II. Denial and Remorse (69-75)

-evasive response
-emphatic response
-more emphatic response (anathema)
-rooster crows (Luke 22:31-34)
-remembrance and grief

III. So What?

-Because of the complete loyalty of the Son to the Father, there is hope for faltering followers.
-Remember the “rest of the story.” (John 21: 15-19)
-Affirm that, because God is faithful and forgiving, failure does not have to be final.
-Bless the Lord regularly for His “benefits.” (Psalm 103:1-5)


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