Dr. McKellar’s Lesson for May 7, 2017

“A Place Called Gethsemane” Matthew 26:36-46 Bible Study 05/07/17

Following the institution of the Lord’s Supper and the prediction of Peter’s denial, Matthew offers a Spirit-inspired account of our Lord praying in the garden of Gethsemane. These verses record the last period of time in the earthly ministry of Jesus leading up to His betrayal, arrest and crucifixion. Spurgeon, referring to this text, noted that “we come to the holy of holies of our Lord’s life on earth.” Carson observes: “As His death was unique, so also was His anguish; your best response to it is hushed worship.” Facing ultimate rejection and an agonizing death, Jesus utterly resigns Himself to the will of His Father.

I. Prayer of Submission

-instructions to disciples
-emotions of Jesus: grieved and distressed (Psa. 42:6, 11; 43:5)
-three-fold prayer and progression: not “impositional” praying
-sonship, cup and will
-significance of “cup” (Psa. 11:6, Isa. 51:17)

II. Prostration of Person

-fell on His face
-only in Matthew (Luke 22:39-46: sweat drops, attended by angel)
-prostrate in prayer in the “oil press” (Gethsemane)
-Isa. 53:3 and 2 Cor. 5:20-21

III. Picture of Disciples

-exemplified in the “inner circle”
-drowsy disciples as the “hour” is at hand
-failure to keep on watching and praying
-human frailty: willing spirit, weak flesh

IV. So What?

-The submission of Jesus in drinking the cup of God’s wrath means that sinners can be delivered from having to drink it.
– Meditate on “Man of Sorrows, What A Name” (Bliss) and “ I Stand Amazed in the Presence” (Gabriel)
-Affirm the full humanity and deity of Jesus. He suffered for us. He sympathizes with us.
-Spend some time this week in prayerful awe and hushed worship.
-“One shrinks from touching this incomparable picture of unexampled sorrow, for fear lest one’s finger-marks should stain it.” (Maclaren)


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