Dr. McKellar’s Lesson for March 5, 2017

“I Will Build My Church” Matthew 16:13-20 Bible Study 03/05/17

Our text this morning directs our attention to the confession which forms the foundation of the church and the institution of the church itself. Believers are called away from self-righteousness and self-indulgence so that they might embrace a self-denial which leads to the exaltation of Christ and His church.

I. Background/Context

-before transfiguration (17:1-13)
-increasing opposition: demand for signs (16:1-12)
-location: Caesarea Philippi
-with disciples

II. Perspective of the People (13b-14)

-Jesus asks a question
-identification of the “Son of Man”
-response of disciples: John the Baptist, Elijah, Jeremiah, prophet

III. Perspective of the Disciples (15-16)

-Jesus asks a question
-Peter’s reply: The Christ…

IV. Pronouncement of Jesus (17-20)

-connection and correction (16:21-28)

V. So what?

-Because Jesus is the source of the church’s existence and empowerment, exalt Him and expend your life for Him.
-The church: intimate knowledge, confident proclamation, sacrificial obedience
-Who you say Jesus is will determine everything about how you follow Him.
-Christ’s church merits your serious actions and not your sentimental leftovers.


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