Dr. McKellar’s Lesson for February 26, 2017

“Not a Chance: Pondering the Providence of God in Ruth 2” Ruth 2 Bible Study 02/26/17

I. Introduction

-the concept of “providence”
-pawns, puppets or participants?
-role of human agency
-context for Ruth 2: death of Elimilech, Mahlon and Chilion, Naomi left with Ruth and Orpah,
Naomi and Ruth arrive in Bethlehem at beginning of barley harvest (1:22)

II. Outline of Ruth 2

1. Insider Information (1-3)
-“split screen”
-Boaz identified: “gibbor hayil”
-Ruth’s initiative
-she “happened…”

2. Pre-Meeting Coordination (4-7)
-arrival of Boaz
-Boaz and foreman
-Boaz’s greeting
-inquiry about Ruth

3. Meeting (8-13)
-Boaz and Ruth
-permission, protection and provision: “hesed”
-reward and refuge

4. Eating (14-16)
-significance of meal
-unheard of favor
-long way from Moab

5. Report to Naomi (17-23)
-quantity of grain
-conversation with Naomi
-Boaz as “go’el”
-no resolution-yet!

III. Make the Application/So what?

-When you take refuge in the Lord, you can expect His providential care.

1. Rely on the Lord’s presence when His purposes remain hidden.
2. Remember that the Lord is never the victim of circumstances.
3. Deal with others as the Lord has dealt with you.
4. Praise the Lord for the way He writes His signature on the page of your life.
5. Make the connection to Christ: a greater “go’el” than Boaz!

IV. Quotes/Observations

-“Redundancy, at least in biblical narratives, is often repetition for the sake of emphasis. This is
certainly true of Ruth 2:1.” (S. Ferguson)
-Purpose of OT stories: “…to lure us into real-life dramas where we run smack into God’s
agenda and assessment of our lives.” (S. Mathewson)

-“Providence in its wisdom plays pranks with all our man-made rules.” (Sidney Berry)
-“The providence of God is like Hebrew words-it can be read only backwards.” (J. Flavel)
-“His purposes will ripen fast, Unfolding every hour; The bud may have a bitter taste, But
sweet will be the flower.” (W. Cowper)


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