Dr. McKellar’s Lesson for September 11, 2016

“Fearful and Fearless” 1 Peter 1: 17-21 Bible Study 09/11/16

In 1 Peter, a letter to believers who faced opposition for their faith and experienced persecution, Peter began with the twin challenges of hope and holiness. In our text this morning, he added another challenge that has confused and befuddled readers in subsequent generations. This challenge centered on the concept of godly fear. Godly fear, rightly understood, is the beginning of wisdom and the safeguard of holiness. 1:17-21 offers some profound incentives for believers to live both fearfully and fearlessly. Only as you fear the Lord properly can you face your future fearlessly.

I. Relish the responsibility of fearful living

-positive treatment in Scripture (Pr. 9:10, Isa. 66:2)
-a declaration to disciples (Lk. 12:4-7)
-conduct yourselves with fear

II. Reflect on the transitory nature of your life

-throughout the time of your exile
-a brief pilgrimage
-a temporary residency

III. Recognize the total impartiality of the Lord

-a Father who is judging
-without respect of persons
-according to each one’s works
-privileged status doesn’t convey a license to sin (Dt. 10:17-19)

IV. Remember the tremendous value of your deliverance

-immeasurable worth
-precious blood
-unblemished lamb
-eternal origin: foreknown before the foundation…
-divine certification: raised and glorified


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