Dr. McKellar’s Lesson for September 4, 2016

“A Living Hope” 1 Peter 1:3-9 Bible Study 09/04/16

I. Introduction

-background/context for 1 Peter:
-distinction between temporary station and eternal destination
-hope: stabilization without stagnation
-Because of the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, you can have a hope that never dies.

II. A Living Hope Rests in a Supernatural Power (3)

-“The resurrection is God’s ‘amen’ to Christ’s statement, ‘It is finished!’” (Johnson)

III. A Living Hope Rests in a Secure Possession (4)

-four observations about the believer’s inheritance

IV. A Living Hope Rests in a Superior Protection (5)

-the constant surveillance of omnipotence

V. A Living Hope Rests in a Sensitized Perspective (6-7)

-three observations about the believer’s trials

VI. A Living Hope Rests in an Unseen and Incomparable Person

-“Let us never live another day as if He were dead.” (Marshall)
-“…He then is all my Hope and stay…” (Mote)


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