Dr. McKellar’s Lesson for August 21, 2016

“A Spear and A Sparing” 1 Samuel 26 Bible Study 08/21/16

This morning we turn our attention to 1 Samuel 26 and its story of the last recorded encounter in Scripture between David, the anointed King, and Saul, the rejected King. After some introductory verses, this chapter may be viewed in three key sections. Within these sections are recorded four “speeches” of David. These “speeches” convey the theological weight of the chapter and reveal David’s increasingly informed restraint as well as the Lord’s continued reinforcement/reminder that David is indeed His chosen instrument.

I. Setting The Scene (1-5)
-the Ziphites again!
-Saul stalks
-David gathers information

II. David’s Informed Restraint (6-12a)

-David’s invitation
-the significance of a spear
-Abishai’s request
-David’s response

III. The Lord’s Protective Enablement (12b-16)

-The Lord at work!
-conversation with Abner
-the “disarming” of Saul

IV. David’s Distress And Determination (17-25)

-the “my son” treatment
-David’s distress about injustice
-valuing the ordinances of public worship
-spear return
-David’s resolute determination

V. So What?

-Because the Lord is in charge even when His ways frequently baffle you, prioritize obedience to His will and the opportunity to worship with His people.
-The best place to leave every matter is in the Lord’s hands.
-“Do the next thing.” (Carmichael/Elliot)
-Treasure the privilege of biblical community.
-Explore the issue of your ultimate hope.


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