Dr. McKellar’s Lesson for July 3, 2016
“A Farewell and Fear Address” 1 Samuel 12:1-25 Bible Study 07/03/16
After Saul’s installment as king and his defeat of the Ammonites, 1 Samuel 12 records Samuel’s final address to the people of Israel. This address includes elements of both confrontation and comfort as he challenges the people to fear the LORD and serve Him faithfully. This text has some striking applications for our country and for us as individuals, particularly in light of Monday’s July 4th celebrations.
I. The Setting
-covenant: to bind, clasp or fetter
-Gilgal: to roll away (1 Samuel 11:12-15; Josh. 5:9)
-Israel has failed again
-Samuel’s agenda: repentance and renewal
II. The Case against God’s People (12:1-15)
-vindication of Samuel 1-5
-accusation and guilt of Israel 6-12
-alternatives presented 13-15
III. The Fear upon God’s People (12:16-19)
-Israel’s obstinacy
-needed: a visual aid
-thunder/rain in dry season
-indication of the LORD’S assessment
-Israel fears
IV. The Grace over God’s People (12:20-25)
-don’t be afraid
-go forward in fidelity
-The LORD’S motivation: His great name
-Samuel’s preoccupation
-pointing to One greater than Samuel
V. So What?
-Let the contrast between your great infidelity and God’s great fidelity drive you to a perspective of reverential fear.
-Regularly rehearse the faithfulness of God.
-Recognize that the Christian life is an ongoing process of repentance and renewal.
-“Neither the church nor individual Christians should be above truthful terror.” (Davis)
-“’Twas grace that taught my heart to fear…” (Newton)
-“Crown Him! Crown Him! Prophet, and Priest, and King!…” (Crosby)