Dr. McKellar’s Lesson for June 19, 2016

“The Heavy Hand of Yahweh” 1 Samuel 5:1-7:2 Bible Study 06/19/16

Our focus this morning is on the account of the Philistine capture and return of the ark of the covenant. This account teaches us some timeless lessons about the character of God. As it does this, it obliterates sub-biblical and superstitious perspectives of Him which, sadly, are all too common even among His professed followers today.

I. Leading up to Chapter 5

-Philistines capture the ark
-death of Eli

II. See the Striking Contrast (5:1-5)

-Dagon: a god you have to pick up
-Yahweh: The God who is supreme

III. Note the Heavy Hand (5:6-6:12)

-judgment on Philistine cities
-giving glory to Yahweh
-return of the ark

IV. Heed the Holy Standard (6:13-7:2)

-worship offered at Beth-Shemesh
-consequences for treating the holy as common
-recognition of holiness

V. So What?

-Because Yahweh reveals Himself as supreme and holy, banish superstitious and sub-biblical thoughts of Him.
-Acknowledge three key attributes: supremacy, severity and sanctity. (D. R. Davis)
-“It is the absence of godly fear that signifies a lack of the knowledge of God.” (J. Edwards)
-See the connection of this text to the cross of Christ!
-Worship the Lord who “picks up” His people.


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