Dr. McKellar’s Lesson for June 12, 2016

“By The Word of the Lord” 1 Samuel 3:1-21 Bible Study 06/12/16

This morning we turn our attention to the call of the prophet Samuel. In a dark period for His people, the LORD brings light by raising up one who would be a faithful conduit of His word. Through Samuel, the word of the LORD would flow freely and the people would be blessed. His role as a prophet is the beginning of a line that culminates in the LORD’S ultimate prophet, Jesus.

I. Context Leading to 1 Samuel 3

-end of the Judges period: moral decline
-cycle of instability rooted in idolatry
-rise of Samuel/fall of Eli and sons

II. Conditions at Shiloh (1-3)

-the boy Samuel: temple servant
-word of the LORD: “rare”
-infection of sin
-just before morning

III. Call of Samuel (4-9)

-The LORD called…
-Samuel’s status
-Eli’s perception
-Samuel’s response
-The LORD’S kindness

IV. Revelation to Samuel (10-14)

-ear-quivering action
-bad news confirmed for Eli (2:27-38)
-severe and irrevocable judgment

V. Report to Eli (15-18)

-prophetic tension
-Eli’s request
-Samuel’s faithfulness
-Eli’s response

VI. Validation of Samuel (19-21)

-progress and presence
-no prophetic “flops”
-all Israel knew…

VII. So What?

-Because spiritual health hinges on the word of the LORD, accept it gratefully and apply it diligently.
-Recognize the distinction between preachers/teachers today and an OT prophet.
-Consider the commentary of 2 Peter 1:16-21.
-The people of God are blessed when the word of God flourishes.
-“Thou hast the true and perfect gentleness, no harshness hast Thou and no bitterness…”
-Reflect on your response to God’s prophet, Jesus (Heb. 1:1-4).


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