Dr. McKellar’s Lesson for February 21, 2016

“Something Greater…” Matthew 12:38-42 Bible Study 02/21/16

In this morning’s text we will observe an encounter between the scribes/Pharisees and Jesus which is reflective of the growing opposition to Jesus by the religious establishment and its refusal to acknowledge His authority. After having received the scathing rebuke of Jesus (see 12:33-37), the scribes/Pharisees demand that Jesus produce a sign to confirm His authority and identity. This sets the stage for the comparison Jesus makes between Himself and the prophet Jonah and between Nineveh/Queen of Sheba and the scribes/Pharisees.

I. Introduction

-contextual considerations
-Matthew 12: rejection and conflict

II. Consider the request (38)

-the nature of “a sign”

III. Observe the rebuke (39)

-evil: Deut. 32:5
-adulterous: Hosea 3:1; 9:1
-the “sufficient” sign of Jonah

IV. Analyze the response (40)

-Jesus/Jonah comparison: its central focus
-three days and three nights and belly of fish/heart of earth
-“Son of Man” reference

V. Apply the warning (41-42)

-men of Nineveh: Jonah 3
-Queen of Sheba: 2 Chronicles 9:1-12
-“…something greater…”

VI. So what?

-Because God’s work in Jesus is the ultimate indicator of His identity, eagerly receive His revelation and completely rely on Him.
-Should we not “tremble” about our own generation?
-Respond to sensation-seeking unbelief with text-driven communication.
-See the connection between Holy Spirit filling and holy boldness (Acts 4:23-31).
-Sermons need a discipline of delivery, to be sure, but just as surely a discipline of listening.” (D. Thomas)
-Stress that which is of “first importance” (1 Corinthians 15:1-4).


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