Dr. McKellar’s Lesson for February 14, 2016

“The Great Invitation” Matthew 11:25-30 Bible Study 02/14/16

The message of salvation/deliverance is the dominant theme of Scripture. As Matthew’s gospel unfolds, we see an intensifying emphasis on the absolute authority of Jesus. He is Lord over creation, disease, demons and, as we shall observe this morning, salvation. Interestingly, the “great invitation” of 11:28-30 is preceded by some stern warnings to those who refused, through sinful rebellion and/or indifference, to acknowledge the authority of Jesus and, specifically, His exclusive capacity to save. In our text this morning we see a beautiful blending/balancing of the truths of divine sovereignty and human responsibility. Jesus takes the initiative and issues the invitation. We have responsibility to hear it and heed it.

I. Consider the context

-“At that time…”
– macro and micro levels
-three cities
-reality of judgment

II. Recognize God’s sovereignty in revelation (25-26)

-His initiative
-“…these things…”: Kingdom
-His “good pleasure”

III. Grasp the complete authority of Jesus (27)

-“…handed over…
-intimacy/intensity of knowledge
-divine sovereignty/human responsibility in balance

IV. Savor the gospel invitation (28-30)

-Come: believe
-Take: submit
-a “yoke” that fits
-promise of “rest”

V. For further reflection

-Since the authority of Jesus extends to the determination of your eternal destiny, respond to His invitation with total submission.
-“There’s a wideness in God’s mercy Like the wideness of the sea. There’s a kindness in His justice That is more than liberty…” (Faber)
-“Lay aside system and fly to the Bible; receive its words with simple submission…Be Bible Christians, and not system Christians.” (Simeon)
-“What we do every time we pray is confess our impotence and God’s sovereignty.” (Packer)


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