Dr. McKellar’s Lesson for February 7, 2016

“Fearful and Fearless” Matthew 10:26-33 Bible Study 02/07/16

After recording demonstrations of the authority of Jesus over disease and creation, Matthew’s gospel turns its attention to the calling of the first disciples. This calling is preceded by the appeal of Jesus to “…pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into His harvest” (9:38). After calling the twelve disciples, Jesus tells them of the cost of following Him. They can expect criticism, abuse and danger because of their identification with Jesus. This background sets the stage for our text this morning and its repeated encouragements to “have no fear” (26, 28, 31). Because of the Lord’s comprehensive control and care, you can be a fearless witness in the face of danger.

I. Truth triumphs over error (26-27)

-expectation of opposition
-“So have no fear…”
-contrasts: covered/revealed, hidden/known, dark/light, whispered/proclaim
-complete transparency

II. The soul matters more than the body (28)

-do not fear-they can only kill you!
-do fear the One who controls your eternal destiny
-fear: occurs when our greatest values are threatened

III. Nothing escapes the Lord’s notice (29-31)

-two sparrows for a penny-intensity
-hairs of your head-intimacy
-do not fear-the Lord values you

IV. Acknowledge Jesus confidently (32)

-before men
-choose death rather than denial

V. So what?

-Jesus refuses to disguise or minimize the cost of discipleship.
-“When Christ calls a man, he bids him, ‘come and die.’” (Bonhoeffer)
-“Don’t count this life with all its attachments as most valuable.” (Piper)
-“Christ suffered for propitiation. We suffer for propagation.” (Piper)
-“Let goods and kindred go, this mortal life also; the body they may kill: God’s truth abideth still; His kingdom is forever.” (Luther)
-His eye really is on the sparrow!


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