Dr. McKellar’s Lesson for January 24, 2016

“Operation Application” Matthew 7:24-29 Bible Study 01/24/16

In the concluding portion of His Sermon on the Mount, Jesus applies the truth of His teaching by relating the story of two hearers and two builders. This powerful word of “application” has enormous implications for our lives both presently and eternally.

I. Consider the context

-verses 13-14: narrow way-obedience to the teaching of Jesus
-verses 15-20: fruits of righteousness mark the true prophet
-verses 21-23: necessity of doing the Father’s will to pass scrutiny
-verses 24-27: necessity of hearing and obeying the words of Jesus

II. Observe the “wise man” (24-25)

-“does them…”: overall pattern of life marked by submission to the teaching of Jesus
-“will be like…”: future tense, relating to return of Christ in judgment
-rock: safety and security, connection to “these words of mine”
-rain, floods, wind…: no collapse

III. Observe the “foolish man” (26-27)

-“does not do them…”
-“will be like…”

-sand: unstable, fragile
-rain, floods, wind…: total collapse

IV. Observe the authority of Jesus (28-29)

-high Christology
-contrast to other teaching sources
-storms of life?
-Is Jesus attempting to “frighten” people into the Kingdom?

V. So what?

-Only as you hear and heed the words of Jesus are you prepared for eternity.
-“Entrance to the Kingdom does turn on obedience after all-not the obedience which earns merit points, but which bows to Jesus’ lordship in everything and without reservation.” (Don Carson)
-Cultivate holy fear. There is a heaven to be gained and a hell to shunned.
-“High King of heaven, the victory won, May I reach heav’n’s joys, O bright heaven’s Sun! Heart of my own heart, whatever befall, Still be my Vision, O Ruler of all. (M. E. Byrne)


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