Dr. McKellar’s Lesson for January 10, 2016

“And When You Pray…” Matthew 6:5-15


Are you content with the current status of your communication with God?

The goal this morning is not to guilt-trip you, but to give you great grounds for confidence and encouragement as you engage in the inestimable privilege of prayer. You honor God in prayer when you delight in His character and depend on His care.

1. The principle of dependence – “Nothing in my hands I bring, simply to Thy cross I cling…” Augustus Toplady
2. The practice of the three “pillars” — giving, prayer, and fasting
3. The call to vigilance — be careful

I. How Not To Pray (Matthew 6:5-8)

A. Jesus makes an assumption regarding prayer
B. Jesus prohibits two specific approaches in prayer
1. Hypocrisy
2. Verbosity
C. Jesus anchors His teaching about prayer in the character of God the Father – “The essential difference between pharisaic, pagan, and Christian praying lies
In the kind of God to Whom we pray.” John Stott

II. How To Pray – Delight – In God’s Character (Matthew 6:9-10)

A. Appreciate Him as your Father
B. Honor His name
C. Anticipate His kingdom
D. Acknowledge His will

“May the living God, who is the portion and rest of the saints, make these our carnal minds so spiritual, and our earthly hearts so heavenly, that loving Him and delighting in Him may be the work of our lives.” Richard Baxter

III. How To Pray – Depend – On God’s Care (Matthew 6:11-15)

A. Rely on His provision
B. Relish His pardon
C. Run to His protection

“When the disciples pray, Jesus wants them to reflect constantly on their dependence on God for everything: their survival, their salvation, and their sanctification.” Charles Quarles



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