Dr. McKellar’s Lesson for November 29, 2015

“A Marriage Made in Heaven” Genesis 24 Bible Study 11/29/15

The story of a search for a bride for Isaac comprises the longest chapter in Genesis. In it we see a strong validation of the hand of God’s providence. Today, that hand of providence continues to coordinate circumstances for the accomplishment of His purposes.

I. Model the faithfulness of God (1-9)

-a relational relay
-a recognized relationship

II. Saturate your circumstances in prayer (10-28)

-an expedition bathed in prayer
-making work effective not unnecessary

III. Determine to follow where God leads (29-67)

-response of humility
-response of immediacy

IV. Grasp the bigger picture

-divine initiative and human responsibility
-recognizing the Chief Actor
-Rebekah and the Bride of Christ
-Because the Lord providentially governs your life for your good and His glory, faithfully follow Him in your present circumstances.
-Faith is the assurance that God will do what He wants to do and not what you want Him to do.
-Water the camels!


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