Dr. McKellar’s Lesson for November 1, 2015

“Back to the Future” Genesis 17 Bible Study 11/01/15

This morning we turn our attention to Genesis 17 and the Lord’s communication with Abram/Abraham. In this chapter the Lord reiterates and expands on the instructions/promises He has conveyed previously. In the events leading up to Genesis 17, we may observe that Abram did what most of us have done when presented with situations that seem incompatible with God’s promises: He attempted to run ahead of God. A look back to his experience can give us perspective and teach us to anticipate God’s faithfulness in every facet of our lives.

I. Understand the substance of God’s design

-to stagger you
-to show you

II. Affirm the scope of God’s dominion

-El Shaddai
-significance of a name change

III. Acknowledge the center of God’s desire

-renewal of covenant promises
-“…walk before me…blameless…”
-Ishmael and Isaac
-same day submission

IV. So what?

-Because the Lord keeps His promises, anticipate His future faithfulness in every facet of your life.
-“God loves to magnify His sovereign grace and keep us in our humble place.” (Piper)
-Orient your life to God’s presence and God’s promises.
– It really is all about Jesus (John 8:58)!


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