Dr. McKellar’s Lesson for October 25, 2015

“Not a Problem!” Genesis 15:1-6 Bible Study 10/25/15

After having considered the Lord’s calling of Abram and the Lord’s faithfulness to him, our focus this morning turns to the Lord’s power and His capacity to address the seemingly impossible problems in our lives.

I. Don’t Fear: The Lord is your Shield and Reward

-significance of “After these things…”

II. Don’t Fret: The Lord is the Owner of all

-Abram’s address:”…O Lord GOD…”
-Eliezer of Damascus: slave as heir?
-Abram: father of any/many
-“…the word of the LORD came…”
-“…your very own son…”
-“…So shall your offspring be.”

III. Do Delight: The Lord wants you to know His will

-when promise and problem intersect
-repetition, clarification and expansion
-commentary of Psalm 147:3-4

IV. Do Depend: The Lord keeps His promises

-verse 6: believed…counted…righteousness
-repeated in Rom. 4:3, Gal. 4:6, Jas. 2:23
-The Lord’s confirmation points us to the cross (Gen. 15:7-20)
-Isaiah 45:22

V. So what?

-Because the Lord has the power to protect you and provide for you, understand that your circumstances pose no problem for Him.
-Expect Him to be what you call Him.
-“I am the God of the stars, They do not lose their way, Not one do I mislay, Their times are in my hand, They move at my command.” (A. Carmichael)


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