Dr. McKellar’s Lesson for October 18, 2015
“Father Abraham Has Many Sons…” Genesis 12:1-9 Bible Study 10/18/15
This morning we turn our attention to the call of Abram who was later designated by the Lord as “Abraham.” Despite his flaws, this man is called the “friend of God” and is cited in Hebrews 11 as an example of one with God-pleasing faith. The Lord’s call and his response are the twin emphases in our text.
I. Acknowledge two major divisions in Genesis
-Genesis 1-11
-Genesis 12-50
II. Recognize the important role of Abraham
-role in redemption
-recipient of promises: land/nation/blessing
-designation as the “friend of God”
III. Reflect on the call of Abraham (1)
-ancient city of Ur
-a command with escalating consequences
-Acts 7 and Genesis 12:1
IV. Examine the Lord’s covenant with Abraham (2-3)
-provisions of security and significance
-fulfillment in Jesus Christ
V. Observe the response of Abraham (4-9)
-mobilization at age 75
-commentary of Hebrews 11:8-10
-a prepared altar
-a pitched tent
VI. So what?
-Knowing that the Lord keeps His promises, respond to His word with an obedient faith that mobilizes and magnifies.
-Stand on the promises and refuse to “sit on the premises.”
-See yourself as a sojourner.
-Remember your status as “a child of the King.”