Dr. McKellar’s Lesson for September 27, 2015

“Noah and ‘The No-Spin Zone’” Genesis 6:9-22; Heb. 11:7 Bible Study 09/27/15

Genesis 6 records the story of Noah in the days preceding the Great Flood. This timeless story is frequently twisted and misapplied. This morning our objective is to let God’s word tell the facts about Noah’s experience. The Lord saved, preserved and used him to make a lasting impact on his generation and the generations that followed.

I. No Spin: Glean the key insights (9-13)

-Noah found grace. He did not earn it.
-How the Lord sees all people: righteous or unrighteous.
-Our inconsistency doesn’t invite interest.
-The Lord is neither apathetic nor surprised.

II. No Spin: Observe the instructions to Noah (14-21)

-Build the ark for survival and not navigation
-The size of the ark: sufficient
-The typology of the ark: keeping out and letting in…

III. No Spin: Examine the obedience of Noah (22 and Heb. 11:7)


IV. So what?

-When you take the Lord’s word seriously, you can have a lasting impact for His glory.
-Biblical faith includes both a backward and forward look.
-Holiness: the habit of agreeing with God’s judgment, hating what He hates, loving what He loves and measuring everything in this world by the standard of His word. (J. C. Ryle)
-“He who does not believe God will punish sin will not believe that He will pardon it through His atoning blood.” (Spurgeon)


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