Dr. McKellar’s Lesson for December 14, 2014

“God Provides Deliverance” Esther 4:6-17 Bible Study 12/14/14

The story of Esther affirms that God acts providentially to deliver His people in keeping with His redemptive purposes. While Esther appears only briefly on the stage of biblical history, she is used as an instrument to deliver God’s people from the genocidal plot of Haman. As we will observe, Haman, like others before and after him, fails to account for the providential presence of the living God.

I. Introduction

-Mordecai, Hathach and Esther
-Gen. 50:20 and Rom. 8:28
-providential contrasts

II. Mordecai mourns (6-9)

-signed decree
-sackcloth and ashes
-specific details
-appeal for intercession

III. Esther’s dilemma (10-12)
-death sentence
-gold scepter extension

IV. Mordecai’s appeal (13-14)
-relief from another place…
-panorama of God’s purposes
-risk-taking on behalf of a non-risk taking God

V. Esther’s commitment (15-17)
-not stoicism but surrender

VI. So what?
-Because God is faithful to deliver His people, step out in faith to be His instrument in uncertain times.

-Consider the connection to Mary: Luke 1:34,38,46-55

-“ He who counts the stars and calls them by name is in no danger of forgetting His own children.” (C. Spurgeon)
– “Providence in its wisdom plays pranks on all our man-made rules.” (Sidney Berry)
– “The providence of God is like Hebrew words-it can be read only backwards.” (John Flavel)


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