Dr. McKellar’s Lesson for September 28, 2014

“Yahweh: I AM WHO I AM”   Ex. 3:13-15   Bible Study   09/28/14

When confronted with the presence of God in his “burning bush” encounter, Moses poses the question of the identity of the One who is speaking. In this context we are introduced to a name of God which is foundational for understanding His character. Since He is the timeless ultimate reality, you can know God not only as Lord of history but also as the Lord of the here and now.

I. Marvel at the preciousness: unpronounced and unprecedented

• Yahweh: holiness
• Hayah: self-existence
• Expresses the essential nature of His being

II. Meditate on the purpose: connecting and confirming

• Revelation of the name
• A burning but unconsumed bush
• Barefoot at the burning bush
• Continuity, activity and immediacy

III. Delight in the promise: pardon and presence

• Memorial name
• Apart from Yahweh: meaningless past, hopeless present and hellish future
• Fulfillment in Jesus (John 8:58)

IV. So what?

• Excuses often indicate irreverence
• Availability expresses reverence

The Christian: By the grace of God I am what I am


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