Dr. McKellar’s Lesson for April 27, 2014

“Love Is The Theme!” 1 John 3:11-18 Bible Study 04/27/14

Having extolled the staggering reality of the Father’s love and after stressing the significance of practical righteousness, John proceeds to return to a prevailing theme in his writing-love. In our text this morning, he indicates that love is a distinguishing trait of God’s children and that its presence indicates that the Lord has worked in our lives in a saving way. Those in whom God’s love dwells actively extend His love to others.

I. Introduction
-What the world needs now is…

-Who or what defines love for you?

II. The absence of love leads to death (11-12)
-Go back to the beginning

-Cain butchered his brother!

-Righteousness provokes the hostility of the devil’s children

III. The presence of love indicates life (13-15)
-Love proves life

-A devastating progression: hate, murder, death

IV. The essence of love centers in self-sacrifice (16-18)
-Jesus offers a unique model

-Love displays itself in sacrificial action

-Love unleashes us to move beyond self-preservation to self-sacrifice

V. So what?
-We cannot afford to “drop the ball”

-Recognize the distinction between advancing your comfort and advancing His cause

-Enthrallment + Investment = Impact

-“…Love so amazing, so divine, demands my soul, my life, my all.” (Isaac Watts)


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