Dr. McKellar’s Lesson for October 20, 2013

Teacher: Dr. Matthew McKellar
Associate Professor of Preaching/Chair of the Preaching Department
Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary

“Mind the Gap” Philippians 2:5-8 Bible Study 10/20/13
Our text this morning is a powerful amplification of Paul’s previous thoughts in 1:27-2:4. Paul is concerned with the true unity of his Philippian recipients and he knows that this unity hinges on genuine humility. Philippians 2:5-11 is a theologically deep and intensely Christological passage that has a hymn-like quality about it. The passage covers both the humiliation and exaltation of Christ. This morning, our focus is on the first four verses and the unmatched humility of our Lord. He is both the source and model for any valid expression of unity or humility. Those who have experienced subway travel in London may recall the repeated verbal and written reminders for passengers to “mind the gap” when boarding trains. Our text offers the reminder for us to “mind the gap” which Jesus spanned in order to offer Himself as our sacrificial substitute on the cross. What a model and incentive for believers! Believers maximize unity as they cultivate the mindset of Jesus exemplified in the cross.

I. Model the attitude of Christ Jesus (5-6)
-command: mind the mind of Christ

-construction: the names a matter of precision

-character: form (morphe) of God

-consideration: not grasping/snatching equality…

II. Mark the actions of Christ Jesus (7-8)
-divesting: not of deity but of self-interest

-description: emptied…taking the form of a slave…

-distinction: being born, definite entrance in time

-descent: in human schema/shape He self-humbled…

-depth: obedient (hear under), death…death on a cross

III. So What?
-Nothing short of the mind of the Head must be the mind of the body

-Two questions to ask: What is important to Jesus? and What principles does He cherish?

-Doctrine really matters: not for curiosity satisfaction but for character transformation

-‘Tis mystery all! The immortal dies! -C. Wesley
“Lo, within a manger lies He who built the starry skies…” -E. Caswall
“May the mind of Christ my Savior, Live in me from day to day, By His love and power
controlling, All I do and say.” -Kate Wilkinson


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