Dr. McKellar’s Lesson for October 13, 2013

Teacher: Dr. Matthew McKellar
Associate Professor of Preaching/Chair of the Preaching Department
Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary

“When It’s Time for A Tune-Up” Philippians 2:1-4 Bible Study 10/13/13

In Scripture we may frequently observe instances of repetition. That is, biblical writers under the Spirit’s influence often repeat exhortations/commands to highlight their strategic importance. As we come to this morning’s text, we find Paul returning to the concept of the “worthy” life which he addressed in 1:27-30. In so doing, he stresses that the “worthy” life is a life of unity. Paul had received reports of a threatening disunity among the Philippian believers (see Philippians 4 and the concern regarding Euodia and Syntyche). Therefore, before turning to focus on Jesus as the source and model for unity (Philippians 2:5-11), he reiterates the importance of the “worthy” life and its accompanying exhibition of “tuned-up” believers. The Church is called to stay in tune so that it might bring maximum praise to God.

I. Return to the foundational issues (1)
-observe the four “ifs”

-tied to the command of 2:2 and pointing back to 1:27

-supreme: encouragement in Christ, consolation of love

-supernatural: fellowship of the Spirit

-supporting: any affection and compassion

II. Remember the repeated objective (2a)
-complete my joy/only…

-the maturing of believers to the glory of God

-one can’t be “up” on Jesus and “down” on others at the same time

-needed: expanded hearts and enlarged horizons

III. Review the facilitating expressions (2b-4)



IV. So What?
-Distinguish between self-righteous service and Spirit-led service

-Determine to “make the other person royalty”

-“When we each tune ourselves and our lives to Christ’s, we will have unity.” –A.W. Tozer

-What would your joy be…?


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