Weekly Lesson for September 15, 2013

Guest speaker: Dr. Matthew McKellar
Associate Professor of Preaching/Chair of the Preaching Department
Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary

“An Obsession with Advancement” Philippians 1:12-20 Bible Study 09/15/13

After giving thanks to God for his partnership with believers in Philippi and praying for their growth, Paul discloses to his readers what might be called his one “magnificent obsession.” Paul could never be considered a spiritual “couch potato.” His focus is ever forward, upward and onward. In fact, his singular focus enables him to have a decidedly distinct perspective concerning his circumstances. Our text this morning drives home the truth that when the advancement of the gospel is your primary goal, you can view your circumstances as God-given opportunities to promote it.

I. Trying circumstances often lead to meaningful progress (12-17)
-apprehension regarding Paul’s imprisonment
-Paul’s declaration: advancement in the midst of adversity
-attracting attention to Jesus: the Praetorian Guard
-promoting the proclamation of Jesus

II. Trying circumstances often remind us of what really matters (18-20)
-the message of Jesus
-method, message and motive…
-the magnification of Jesus
-cause for rejoicing

III. So What?
-Resist the subtle lure of “cruise-control” Christianity
-Let trying circumstances “blow the haze of triviality” out of your life
-Resolve to magnify Jesus in the midst of your “restrictions”
-Remember that the Lord “holds the gavel”
-Model the motivation of Jesus
-A lesson from the life of Samuel Rutherford


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