Weekly Lesson for September 1, 2013

Guest speaker: Dr. Matthew McKellar
Associate Professor of Preaching/Chair of the Preaching Department
Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary

“Partners in Joy” Philippians 1:1-8 Bible Study 09/01/13
This morning we begin our study of Paul’s letter to the church at Philippi. Paul wrote this letter during his first Roman imprisonment. The church at Philippi was founded on Paul’s second missionary journey. The majority of believers in this church was non-Jewish. These believers had a wonderful relationship with Paul, having sent Epaphroditus as their messenger of personal concern to Paul armed with a gift. The letter we know as Philippians was sent along with Epaphroditus upon his return to Philippi. It conveys Paul’s gratitude for the gift he received and an encouragement to unity.

I. Introduction to Philippians (1-2)
-theme: joy in Christ

-greeting: saints, grace and peace

II. Grasp the nature of Paul’s gratitude (3-8)

-confident: the “pivot” verse 6


III. Make the timeless application
-conviction about a common goal

-confidence about continued growth

-compassion because of a common ground

IV. The “big” idea
-Because the Lord is the ultimate “Finisher”, you can have joyful confidence as you partner
with others in the promotion of the gospel.


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