Weekly Lesson for July 14, 2013

Guest speaker: Dr. Matthew McKellar
Associate Professor of Preaching/Chair of the Preaching Department
Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary

Bible Study 07/14/13 “Great Storm-Greater God!” Jonah 1:4-16


How does God operate when His will is opposed? This question leads us again to the issue of God’s providence. This morning we will observe His special intervention to accomplish His purpose. He perseveres with and preserves His people. He uses a storm to deal with His disobedient messenger.

I. Marvel at the management of God (4-7)
– “…hurled great wind…great storm”
– “ship thought itself to be broken”
– sailors fear, cry and hurl
– after Jonah sleeps God repeats
– Jonah wins the lottery!

II. Consider the commitment of God (8-9)
– Jonah is “stormed” with questions
– preaching to pagans
– “…the Lord God…who made the sea…”

III. Recognize the rebuke from God (10-16)
– “What have you done?”
– Jonah’s disobedience endangers others
– Who runs away from the God of the sea on a ship?
– Jonah: willing to die to avoid obedience

IV. Apply the truth of Jonah’s God
– See the sign in the storm
– The storm surfaces your real commitment
– Determine to abandon insanity
– Make obedience your consuming passion
– Another “sleeper” in a storm…


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