Dr. Bingham’s Lesson for August 22, 2010

Series on The Nature of Scripture

“Are the Scriptures True?” – Ephesians 4:25

We have seen that, although the Holy Scriptures were written by men, their origin is with God, in particular, the third Person of the Holy Trinity, the Holy Spirit. And we have also seen that the New Testament is inspired writing the same as the Old Testament.

Jesus spoke nothing contradictory to the Old Testament; His words all came from the Father and found their way into writing by the Holy Spirit.

But none of this makes any difference, however, if it isn’t true.

So, are the writings from Genesis to Revelation true? Truth is that which is real.

Is scripture telling us the truth?
The Bible testifies to its truthfulness.

Ephesians 4:25
Scripture itself requires Christians to be truthful to each other. The body of Christ cannot remain healthy if we are not truthful to one another; we cannot have a workable relationship with one another if we are not truthful to each other.

2 Timothy 3:16
The context of this verse is Paul’s reminder in verses 1-9 that we live in terrible times, characterized by people loaded down with sin, people who are always learning but never acknowledging the truth, even opposing the truth.
Paul clearly states that all scripture is inspired. And he tells Timothy this in contrast to the times which are filled with error and falsehood. He is telling Timothy that, unlike the world around, he is telling Timothy the truth.
Paul states the inspiration of scripture here in order to teach the doctrine of inerrancy, that the scriptures are without any mixture of error. Inerrancy and inspiration go together hand-in-glove. Anything that God inspires is also true.

2 Peter 1:20-21
Peter agrees with Paul’s statement above, saying that prophecy did not originate with man but men spoke from God, moved by the Holy Spirit.
Then Peter reminds his readers that as there were false prophets among the men of old, there will be false teachers among us, introducing condemnable heresies, even denying the Lord who bought them. These false teachers will gain many followers and by reason of them the way of truth shall be slandered.

Whether you are in the first century of this era or in the present century, there are going to be false teachers. We see them in the pulpit and on TV saying things that are not true and causing the truth to receive a bad reputation. Peter wants us to know that, in spite of these false teachers, the Holy Scriptures are inspired and totally true.

The doctrine of inspiration teaches the doctrine of inerrancy. Whether the Bible teaches on history or science or salvation or speaks of the last days, it is all true. All of Holy Scripture is inspired and, therefore, all of it is true.

Matthew 5:17
Jesus tells us that He will not contradict the Old Testament but will speak in harmony with it, that He has come to fulfill the Old Testament scriptures. Jesus had nothing original to say; He spoke with the same Mind as the One who originated the Old Testament scriptures. He further warns that anyone who breaks the least commandment in the law and teaches people the same will be called least in the Kingdom of Heaven but the one who keeps and teaches the commandments will be called great in the Kingdom of Heaven. Jesus holds the entire Old Testament to be completely true and completely relevant. Jesus speaks of the Old Testament scriptures with the same confidence that Peter and Paul do.

John 10:35-36
If God, according to the Old Testament, called those, to whom the word of God came, gods, then how can anyone say anything against Jesus for saying He is the Son of God, when the Father has sanctified Him. Jesus reminds them that the scriptures cannot be broken, that what scripture says is true. Scripture may make you uncomfortable; it may disrupt your life; but nothing in scripture is untrue.

John 17:16-17
Jesus in His prayer for the disciples says, “Your word is truth,” and He asks the Father to set them apart through His truth.

No matter what scripture costs you to obey it, scripture reflects reality. No matter how ridiculous some scripture may appear, it is nevertheless true.


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