Dr. McKellar’s Lesson for December 7, 2014
“Deliverance Is Needed” Esther 3:1-9 Bible Study 12/07/14
This morning we begin a new series of studies in Esther, Ezra and Nehemiah. While one might think that the book of Esther has no definite connection to the celebration of Christ’s first coming, there is a distinct connection to be made. This connection might be best conveyed through an understanding of the concept of providence. We will observe that the name of God does not appear in the text of Esther. However, the “fingerprint” of His providential supervision and care is evident throughout this ancient biblical account. People in every generation need deliverance and God is the great and ultimate Deliverer.
I. Four Key Personalities
-Ahasuerus/Xerxes: The Persian King who stages a beauty pageant
-Esther/Hadassah: The beauty who becomes a queen “for such a time as this” (4:14)
– Mordecai: Esther’s cousin/guardian and faithful God-fearer
-Haman: The Agagite and manipulative villain bent on exterminating the Jews
II. One Ultimate Ruler
-The Living God who delivers
– Exploring the concept of “providence”
-While God’s people can expect mistreatment and misunderstanding from an unbelieving world, they can rest confidently in His providential care and deliverance.
III. Applications
-In the NT: cradle and cross
-“God is never the victim of circumstances.” (N. Parrish)
-Often God does His greatest work when His presence is seemingly the least perceptible.
-“…conduct yourselves with fear….” (1 Peter 1:17)
– Hebrews 2:14-18
Dr. McKellar’s Lesson for November 30, 2014
“Keep Yourselves in the Love of God” (Jude 1-2, 20-21, 24-25)
• What is your obsession?
• Those who are kept by God keep themselves in the love of God.
• “Admonition is love’s authentic expression in time of danger.”
–Jack MacGorman
1. Keep Yourselves in the Love of God
• “Grace is opposed to earning, not to effort.” –Dallas Willard
• Fire insurance or fire endowment?
• How?
2. ___________ on Your Faith
• Doctrinal conformity
• Personal commitment
• The anesthesia of idolatry
3. _________ in the Holy Spirit
• Intoxicated prayer
• Use words He inspired
• Relationship demands communication
4. _________ for God’s Mercy
• Not passive
• Let future assurance shape present activity
• “We have the presence and the promises of God. We are meant to march to that great music.” –Amy Carmichael
Those who are kept by God keep themselves in the love of God.
Dr. McKellar’s Lesson for November 23, 2014
“A Psalm for Thanksgiving 2014” Psalm 69:30-32 Bible Study 11/23/14
The case may be made on the basis of this Psalm alone that the purpose of human existence is to praise God. While this comes as a shock to our man-centered sensibilities, Scripture shows that the longing of all true believers is to magnify the God of their salvation. Thanksgiving that pleases the Lord proceeds from people who relish their role as receivers.
I. Introduction
-two parts of 18 verses each
-messianic psalm
-the human author-David: afflicted and in pain
-the lily among thorns
II. Genuine gratitude honors the Lord
-our confession: weakness of longing
-the part for the whole: the Lord’s name
-called to be telescopes
-how gratitude magnifies the Lord
III. Genuine gratitude honors the Lord more than horns and hoofs
-maturity and purity of sacrifice
-the subtle sin of self-exaltation
-the antidote to arrogance in worship: thanksgiving
IV. Genuine gratitude encourages others to honor the Lord
-the humble: exhausted from pulling at their own bootstraps
-the testimony of a song in the furnace
-the Lord’s demand: cease to be great in your own eyes
-relish your role as a receiver this Thursday
Dr. McKellar’s Lesson for November 16, 2014
“Fearful and Fearless” 1 Peter 1: 17-21 Bible Study 11/16/14
In 1 Peter, a letter to believers who faced opposition for their faith and experienced persecution, Peter began with the twin challenges of hope and holiness. In our text this morning, he added another challenge that has confused and befuddled readers in subsequent generations. This challenge centered on the concept of godly fear. Godly fear, rightly understood, is the beginning of wisdom and the safeguard of holiness. 1:17-21 offers some profound incentives for believers to live both fearfully and fearlessly. Only as you fear the Lord properly can you face your future fearlessly.
I. Relish the responsibility of fearful living
-positive treatment in Scripture (Pr. 9:10, Isa. 66:2)
-a declaration to disciples (Lk. 12:4-7)
-conduct yourselves with fear
II. Reflect on the transitory nature of your life
-throughout the time of your exile
-a brief pilgrimage
-a temporary residency
III. Recognize the total impartiality of the Lord
-a Father who is judging
-without respect of persons
-according to each one’s works
-privileged status doesn’t convey a license to sin (Dt. 10:17-19)
IV. Remember the tremendous value of your deliverance
-immeasurable worth
-precious blood
-unblemished lamb
-eternal origin: foreknown before the foundation…
-divine certification: raised and glorified
Dr. McKellar’s Lesson for November 9, 2014
“Mission 1:8 and Gospel Urgency” 2 Timothy 4:1-8 Bible Study 11/09/14
On This day of commitment, it is particularly appropriate that we examine Paul’s parting instructions to Timothy, his “son” in the faith. With external opposition from an unbelieving world, the knowledge that Christ will return and the reality that death is coming, how should the Lord’s servant respond? The counsel given here certainly addresses those called by God to preach. However, its application has implications for all believers. In light of the inestimable value of the Gospel and the reality of eternity, convey the Gospel message with urgency.
I. Consider the context
-godlessness in the last days
-authority and sufficiency of Scripture
-from abiding in doctrine to proclaiming doctrine
II. Ponder the preface (1)
-presence of God and of Christ Jesus…
-who is to judge…
-by His appearing/kingdom
III. Grasp the key command (2)
-“preach the word” with timeless urgency
-nature: herald-isao, reprove, rebuke and exhort
-content: all of Scripture/message of redemption in Christ
IV. Anticipate the coming apostasy (3-5)
-rejection of “healthy” teaching
-the “itch” of a passion-based appetite
-contrast: “As for you…fulfill…”
V. Focus on the finish line (6-8)
-drink and departure
-the “beautiful” fight and the “race” of faith
-“crown”…to all who have loved his appearing.
-past, present and future
VI. Closing thoughts
-Can you bow before the Crucified in humble adoration and not wish to see your Monarch Master of the world? (Spurgeon)
-In a matter so solemn as that of representing God to men as His ambassador, diversions are perversions. (A. T. Pierson)
-You can’t preach it like it is if you don’t believe it like it was. (V. Havner)
-We leave you in that blessed dependency, to hang upon Him that hung upon the cross. (J. Donne)
Dr. McKellar’s Lesson for November 2, 2014
“Mercy and Mission 1:8” 2 Samuel 24 Bible Study 11/02/14
In his well-known work, “The Cost of Discipleship”, Dietrich Bonhoeffer declared: “When Christ calls a man, he bids him come and die.” We see the truth of this statement demonstrated in the worship experience of King David after his sin brought calamity upon the people of Israel. Although clearly a flawed man, David was a “man after God’s own heart” through whom the Lord directed and preserved His people. The ultimate effectiveness of the Mission 1:8 emphasis is connected profoundly to your growing comprehension of the magnitude of God’s mercy. In light of the magnitude of God’s mercy, worship Him sacrificially.
I. A King’s Command (1-9)
-a senseless and sinful census
-the response of Joab
-285 days of information-gathering
II. A King’s Confession (10)
-a “smitten” heart
-an honest assessment
III. A King’s Consequences (11-14)
-three options
-dramatic distress
-memory of mercy
IV. A King’s Intercession (15-24)
-demonstration of mercy
-plea for the sheep
-immediate obedience
-costly offering
-wrath scourged and satisfied
V. So What?
-David’s King
-wood, blood and hill…
-We have an altar… (Heb. 13:10)
-“Ministry that costs nothing accomplishes nothing.” -J. H. Jowett
-No place for leftovers or afterthoughts
-“…Love so amazing, so divine, demands my soul, my life, my all.” -I. Watts
Dr. McKellar’s Lesson for October 26, 2014
“Do Not Be Anxious” Matthew 6:25-34 Bible Study 10/26/14
As we enter the second week of our Mission 1:8 focus, we will turn our attention to a well-known text from our Lord’s Sermon on the Mount. Often, the believer’s stewardship of his “time, talent and treasure” is hindered by a paralyzing anxiety. In this morning’s text the command to “not be anxious” occurs three times in a span of ten verses. You conquer anxiety only as you pursue God’s Kingdom.
I. Do Not Be Anxious (25-30)
-motivation and evaluation
-understanding anxiety
-the “world’s trinity of cares”:
-look at the birds…(food)
-consider the lilies…(clothing)
-the ineffectiveness of anxiety
II. Do Not Be Anxious (31-33)
-a Gentile obsession
-The Father’s knowledge
-antidote: a prioritized pursuit
-kingdom and righteousness
III. Do Not Be Anxious (34)
-facing your future
-tomorrow “personified”
-what we’re not promised
IV. So what?
-Reject the secular reductionist mindset.
-Seize the privileges of the present.
-Whose Kingdom captures your heart?
-Remember that He who creates is He who sustains.
Dr. McKellar’s Lesson for October 19, 2014
“Assembly Required” Hebrews 10:19-25 Bible Study 10/19/14
I. Introduction
1. The Mission 1:8 Challenge
2. Ephesians 3:17b-18
3. What difference do you want your life to make?
4. Aimless or Focused?
II. Main Idea
In light of the lavishly generous sacrifice of Jesus which gives us bold access to God, invest your life in fellowship with Him and His people.
III. The Text
-Savor the benefits of Christ’s sacrifice (19-21)…
…since we have confidence
…since we have a great Priest
1. Draw near (22)
-with a true heart
-with sprinkled hearts and washed bodies
2. Hold fast (23)
-unwavering confession of hope
-He is faithful
3. Consider how (24-25)
-stir up
-not neglecting
-all the more
Dr. McKellar’s Lesson for October 12, 2014
“Jehovah-Nissi: The Lord our Banner” Exodus 17 Bible Study 10/12/14
In previous weeks we have observed that the names of God reveal His character and remind us of His sovereignty, sufficiency and steadfastness. Jehovah-Nissi is a designation that includes these attributes while pointing us specifically to the powerful and awe-inspiring presence of the Lord. This name is an invitation for us to cultivate and celebrate a radical God-centeredness in our lives. Because He sustains and enables His people, we should lift up the Lord with our lips and our lives.
I. Grumblers gag on the Lord’s provision
-a staggering case of stubborn unbelief
-another “water” problem
-Massah and Meribah
-murmuring and manna (what is it?)
-a dangerous implication
II. The Lord purposely packages His provision
-for progress not paralysis
-the discipline of daily dependence
-intensification from food to foe
-“You can’t even keep your hands up!”
III. Jesus expresses the peak of the Lord’s provision
-Psalm 60:4-5
-Christ our Banner
Dr. McKellar’s Lesson for October 5, 2014
“Jehovah Rophe: The Lord Who Heals” Ex. 15:22-26 Bible Study 10/05/14
This morning we will examine a name which is a powerful example of the progressive revelation of God meeting every need as it arises in the experience of His people. He reveals Himself as the One who saves, sustains, strengthens and sanctifies. The historical setting for this name is the wilderness experience of God’s people in Exodus 15. In 1 Corinthians 10, we also find Paul referring back to this setting and its enormous instructive implications. Since the Lord reveals Himself as the ultimate Healer, you can experience His healing and extend it to others.
I. The valley of defeat often follows the mountain of victory
-baby steps in the desert
-from delight to discontent
II. You need healing physically and spiritually
-the Lord’s power to heal
-the Lord’s priority in healing
III. Respond to the message of Marah
-the right frequency
-the right focus
-the right following
-survey the cycle: abundance, expectation, disappointment, complaint, provision
IV. The Lord, the only source of wholeness, turns the bitter to sweet
-the appetite of Egypt
-tree to tree connection
-healing in this house