Dr. McKellar’s Lesson for December 18, 2016

“The Lowly and the Holy” Luke 1:46-55 Bible Study 12/18/16

Mary’s song of praise underscores the importance of acknowledging our lowly status and making much of God’s magnificent mercy.

I. Introduction (1:26-45)

-between promise and fulfillment
-testimony of Elizabeth
-a sermon from the womb
-the Mary/Hannah connection
-living word and written word

II. The lowly express joy in the Holy (46-47)

-soulful magnification
-spiritual rejoicing
-personal Savior

III. The lowly specify joy in the Holy (48-49a)

-regard for a female servant
-blessed by generations to come
-not excessive veneration but biblical admiration

IV. The lowly anchor joy in the Holy (49b-53)

-concentration on the character of God
-merciful response to reverential fear
-the irresistible force of a mighty reversal

V. So what?

-Because the Lord is all-caring and all-powerful, rejoice in Him above all things.
-Magnify the Lord because He is both mindful and mighty.
-“The songs of Zion are not cultural artifacts but the story of God’s saving plan.” (Keller)
-“What can I give Him, poor as I am? If I were a shepherd, I would bring a lamb; If I were a wise man, I would do my part; yet what I can I give Him: give my heart.” (Rosetti)
-Your only hope: Mary’s Savior


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