Dr. McKellar’s Lesson for November 27, 2016

“What Sort of People…? 2 Peter 3:11-18 Bible Study 11/27/16

After a scathing denunciation of false teachers in chapter 2, the last chapter of 2 Peter opens with Peter’s affectionate declaration to believers (“beloved” 3:1). He now returns to the theme of chapter 1: the believer’s hope that is grounded in the precious promises of God. Addressing the apparent “delay” of Christ’s return, the threat of false teachers and the general tendency of people to be “tossed” in turmoil, Peter exhorts his readers to live presently in light of God’s promised eternal future. What sort of people should we be? We should be the sort of people that let the biblical next-world outlook shape the contours of our this-world existence.

I. Consider the context (3:1-10)

-“these things” connection (11)
-“day of the Lord” (10): judgment and deliverance
-predictions of prophets and commands through apostles (2)
-scoffers (3-6), fire (7) and the Lord’s patience (8-10)

II. Ponder the prescription (3:11-13)

-holiness and godliness: behavior and actions
-“waiting” (verses 12, 13, 14): longing expectation
-“hastening”: speeding the “arrival” by godly living

III. Apply four command-based principles (3:14-18)

-engagement: “be diligent” (14)
-assessment: “count” (9, 15)
-vigilance: “take care” or “guard” (17)
-progression: “grow” (18)

IV. Reflect on the truth

-“Rejoice in glorious hope! Our Lord and Judge shall come…” (C. Wesley)
-The stability of believers hinges on avoidance of error and advancement in godliness.
-Dare to place your life under the searching spotlight of eternity. Ask yourself frequently, “How important is this in light of eternity?”


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