Dr. McKellar’s Lesson for November 8, 2015

“The Answer is ‘Yes’” Genesis 18:16-33 Bible Study 11/08/15

The key question in today’s text, which is related to the impending destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah, anticipates a positive answer. Not only is the Lord able to do whatever He pleases, but also, whatever He does is right. You can count on Him to do the right thing-always!

I. The message of coming judgment for sin offends many people.

-Abraham, Job (1:21) and Paul (Rom. 3:4)
-people of Sodom
-friendship with Abraham

II. Sin cries out for judgment. Not one wrong escapes the Lord’s notice.

-outcry against Sodom and Gomorrah
-sins of the cities (Ezek. 16, Jer. 23, Jude 7)

III. Don’t confuse the Lord’s patience with the Lord’s tolerance.

-certainty of judgment
-Ezek. 16:49 and Luke 17:28-30

IV. Observe the remarkable prayer of intercession.

-Abraham’s response
-humility, persistence and specificity
-the righteous and the wicked

V. What now? We are all sinners who deserve judgment.

-Take prayer personally.
-Take truth seriously.
-Take refuge immediately.
-Because the Lord’s mercy flows even in the midst of judgment, recognize His righteousness and rejoice in His revelation.
-“Now let no sin cause you to flee, or make you suffer loss, our God is free and Christ has died, rejoice before His cross.” (Piper)
-the “miracle” of mercy…


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