Dr. McKellar’s Lesson for August 16, 2015

“Redeeming Judgment” Revelation 9:1-12 Bible Study 08/16/15

This morning we will examine the content of the fifth trumpet judgment recorded in our text. Prominent in this judgment is the presence of locust swarms. Locust references may be found elsewhere in Scripture (Exodus, Joel) and are frequently associated with the wrath of God. Our text serves as a significant corrective to a number of sub-biblical concepts regarding God’s character and activity. It affirms that He is always in control, that he will have the “final” word, that His judgment is sure and that His mercy is great. Because of the testimony of Scripture, know that God’s judgment of sin and rescue of His people are certain.

I. The Lord unleashes judgment (1-3)

-context: 7 seals/ 7 trumpets
-interpretive perspectives
-trumpets 1-4/ 8:6-13
-star fallen…given the key…bottomless pit
-locusts given power like scorpions

II. The Lord preserves His people (4-6)

-target: people without the “seal”
-identity of the sealed
-intense torment with limitations

III. The Lord includes a terrifying description (7-12)

-the locusts are like…
-power to hurt
-Abaddon/Apollyon: “Destruction and Destroyer”
-no relief in sight

IV. For Further Reflection

-God’s wrath: His settled hostility toward sin, His refusal to compromise with it and His resolve to condemn it. –J. Piper
-Rock of Ages, cleft for me, let me hide myself in Thee… -A. Toplady
-God will not suffer Himself to be scorned indefinitely.
-There are at least 600 warnings about hell in Scripture… L. R. Scarborough
-It is not this world we need to know better. It is the other world. P. Ainsworth
-…Redeeming love has been my theme and shall be till I die. W. Cowper


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